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Why did/didn’t my patron get notified about their hold?

November 25, 2021

Whether or not a patron receives a hold notification depends on what notification option the patron or staff member chose when the hold was placed.

When the Place Holds interface opens the default notification options are selected based on the Hold Notification settings in the patron’s account; however, patrons and library staff can make changes before placing the hold if a different notification method should be used for a particular hold.

Staff can see what notification option(s) have been selected for a particular hold by going to the Holds -> Open Hold Requests tab in the patron account and looking at the information in the “Notifications Phone Number”, “Notifications SMS Number” and Notify by Email?” columns. If the patron has chosen to be notified by phone or SMS there will be a phone number in the appropriate column. If the patron has chosen to to be notified by email the value for that column will be “Yes”.

Staff can edit the notification settings if a patron changes their mind about how they’d like to notified for a hold. Information on editing the notification settings can be found here.

It is not possible for library staff or Co-op Staff to view what notification method was chosen for a hold once the hold is filled and the item has been checked out to the patron.

More information on placing holds can be found here.

Information on checking if Evergreen sent an expected email or text message can be found here.