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Open Philosophy

At the heart of the Cooperative’s operations, strategies and philosophy lies the principle of openness. In part, we choose open approaches when possible simply because the choice is pragmatic for an organization of our size. More importantly, as an actor and leader in the Canadian knowledge sector, we believe open approaches ensure continual vibrancy. We develop, co-create, enhance, discover and improve within our team, with our members and with our partners and communities of practice.

Open Data

We release open data, including:

  • Sitka Collection and Usage Statistics
    Data available for:  2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013
    These spreadsheets include system-wide active users, total circulation, monthly circulation counts, top circulation days for the calendar year, average circulation per open day, top 100 circulating titles for the year, and collection statistics based on item types.
  • Measuring Informal Learning in BC’s Public Libraries
    Reports: PDF Summary and CSV source data.
    In September 2014, BC’s K-12 schools were closed during what would customarily be the first two weeks of school. During the closure, we tested the hypothesis that people would visit public libraries for informal learning opportunities. We compared year-over-year statistics of 82% of BC’s public libraries using Sitka.
  • Sitka Bibliographic Records in MARC format
    Data available: Sitka MARC Export

Other examples of open data in BC include the BC Data Catalogue, Vancouver Public Library Open Data Catalogue, and the City of Vancouver’s Open Data Catalogue. The OpenDataBC Society aims to provide easier access to information so that citizens may better understand their province.

Open Tools

Open Events

We sponsor, partner, facilitate and participate in open community events.

Check out our upcoming events. Past events are all based on principles of openness in some way:

  • We supported the first BC datacamps for libraries.
  • We participate in open communities, including LODLAM and Code4LibBC
  • We co-hosted an Open Data Learning Summit in September, 2012, and several Camps in the years since, focusing on exploring opportunities for open data learning and leadership in libraries.

Other Open Projects