Minutes 26.01.15
In-person meeting, Suite 850, 605 Robson Street, Vancouver BC
Present: Baharak Yousefi, Joanne Richards, Ben Hyman, Heather Daly, Melanie Houlden, Mari Martin, Sarah Felkar (LBFG Chair), Sharon Herbert.
Via teleconference: Trevor, Dan Phillips
- Welcome & Introductions @ 1000 Pacific
Heather Daly (Vice Chair) chaired the meeting
- Approval of Agenda
Moved by Joanne, 2nd by Tracey. Approved.
- Approval of Minutes from last meeting
Moved by Baharak, 2nd by Tracey. Approved.
4. Leslie Boldt – Bold Communications
Ben (introduction to Lesli Boldt) – reference to Strategic Plan goals, and very good uptake from members of Co-op solutions; what are our priorities around accessibility, sustainability?
Leslie – presentation – key communication issues are the problems we are trying to solve:
- Discussion of proposed elevator speech.
- Elevator pitch draft – to help a broader audience understand what the Co-op is.
- Discussion about Co-op name, specifically “BC” aspect.
- May need to adapt pitch for each sector.
- Content and language style guide – to provide a consistent voice.
- Member stories – story telling is increasingly important to help people care, provide a less operational and more inspirational voice.
- In-house communication support is needed as the organization grows to help, particularly with ongoing communication with members, coordinating messaging with partners.
- Strongly suggests a video on the co-op and the co-op difference: covers a lot of communication needs in one product
- Segmented email lists and new email templates – need to collect and refine member profiles.
- Editorial calendar to coordinate communications – to avoid overload and overlap.
- Updates to current website to ensure consistent messaging.
- Resources to support member training- what do we already have? Where are the gaps?
- Brand audit review next year (2016) – strategic, i.e. not about logo.
Discussion: Communication priorities: go big or go deep or hunker down?
Discussion: Communications audit – what other documents that the Co-op produces will need to change? Work with staff to identify documents, communications that will need consistent messaging, e.g. powerful annual report, video. We need to tell our story better.
Discussion: re: distributed messaging, e.g. what could board members do to help communicate? What could be done to convince next generation of library directors? These are all examples of key places Co-op can share our message. Helps for members to take on messaging – we have at least one member in every province. Leslie noted that this discussion speaks to marketing approach – part of strategy would be using board and members as brand ambassadors. This plan is not designed as a campaign, but is more a discipline over time, a mindful approach. Needs some dedicated staff time and regular review/assessment; Video, fact sheets, price comparison with vendors – materials that are easily shareable and provide more tangible examples of value. These will depend on the audience.
The Board’ s strategic direction will determine communication priorities.
Regular business meeting
a) Member participation – none
b) Reports
(i) Operational report (Ben)
3M opportunity update – Meeting with rep in early February to conclude a price list with pricing for Co-op members. This would be for members West of Ontario.
LibPress – BC implementation nearly complete – now expanding into Manitoba & beyond.
Toolshed – Saskatchewan will be joining Alberta and BC; Manitoba pending.
Licensing – (Sarah) Review of terms of reference, major review compared to what was developed in 2010. Feedback from group to support Co-op staff work and changes community would like to see with respect to advocacy and accessibility. Ben noted that going forward rates will hold for 120 days from quote in order to deal with fluctuating value of Canadian dollar.
Systems – back end phone system changed, resulting in $10k in savings annually and improved call quality. Agreement with Laurentian University site to do “over the wires backup” at no cost via BCNet.
Imagine BC – (Baharak) There were 21 submissions, all great, difficult to choose. A short list has been developed, may need more information from a few on short list. All letters will go out this week. All videos will be posted to potentially connect with other funders.
NNELS – Yukon is now a member – nine provinces and territories in total. Working on implementations, growing content, work with publishers to share catalogue and providing recognition via Twitter. Talking up NNELS at Alberta symposium in February on both CELA and NNELS and presenting at CLA as well.
Sitka – Two new members: Decoda Literacy and West Coast Child Care Resource Centre. Overdrive API near complete and Equinox migrations to help them with data migration for 5 larger U.S. sites, also generates revenue for Co-op.
Shifting staffing to broaden support, project management across all services.
Co-op value infographic – Ben reviewed. Developed for meeting with BC government. High dependence on Co-op services.
(ii) Reports from board sub-committees
Finance Committee (Dan) –Committee met on Jan. 19th – discussed finances and business continuity planning. Dan/Ben walked through the DRAFT FY15/16 budget. Significant revenue reduction re: Province of BC province transferred funds a few years ago, extra to annual grant. Projecting growth again in external services.
Staff costs: employees, benefits and contractors. Transitioning three more contractors to Limited Term Employees (LTE).
Overall 7% reduction to budget. How to do more with less? Lean budget sets context for strategy around communications for example and costs associated with investigating potential opportunities. Lack of finance, HR and communications staffing. Budget does not reflect any increase to any fees, only COLA adjustment to staff.
Motion to approve draft FY15/16 budget: Moved: Melanie 2nd: Joanne. Approved.
Governance committee (Ben) – Worksafe BC policy. Anti bullying section is forthcoming and will be submitted as an addendum
Motion to approve Worksafe BC policy: Joanne 2nd : Tracey. Approved
Personnel Committee (Joanne) Nothing to report
(c) Communications strategy – Discussion
Referred to strategic priorities “to do” list.
Discussion: Go big – go deep – hunker down : need to do all three, depending on audience(s) we’re trying to reach.
ACTION: Ben to discuss with Leslie strategically following all three options: go big, go deep, hunker down and through: video, focused messages like the elevator pitches. Need to focus less on potential members and focus more on members that express interest and are engaged.
(d) Province of BC perspective
Ben flagged that the Co-op is member funded, and that the province (and other Provinces) is itself a member/funder. Unique in the sector.
Mari Martin: Libraries Branch is still focused on Libraries 2020, equitable access and encouraging access. Provincial expectations tied to funding: equitable access, connecting libraries across all sectors, libraries working together to extend and improve. Partnership with Ministry of Advanced Education: how can libraries across all sectors work together around shared services? To reduce/avoid costs and increase access? Co-op is an example of a shared service enterprise. Need to identify intersecting points re issues amongst public, post-secondary, and K-12.
Next Board Meeting: Feb 23rd (teleconference). Sub committees meet by teleconference on Feb 16th. Governance sub-committee – some board members will cycle out this spring, so recruitment component, timeline calendar with procedures and protocols will be developed.
ACTION: ALL think about Board recruitment.
(e) Motion to adjourn. Approximately 2:20 pm.
Moved: Melanie, 2nd Baharak. Approved