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Board Minutes 25.05.15

Board Teleconference 25.05.15 @ 1530 Pacific

Regrets: Baharak, Heather & Trevor

  1. Approval of Agenda (consensus)
  2. Approval of Minutes (consensus)
  3. Member participation component (there was none)
  4. Reports
    1. Operational Report – reviewed
    2. Reports from Board Sub-Committees:
      1. Governance (25.04.15 meeting cancelled)
      2. Finance
        1. Presentation of audited statements and auditor’s findings report for approval (Discussed: The Finance Committee met with our auditor earlier today to review these; our house is in good shape)Motion (Dan/Treasurer) moved and Melanie seconded that the FY14/15 audited financial statements and auditor’s findings report be accepted by the Board. (To enable adequate time to review, support for the motion will be collected via email; pending approval, the audited statements will be circulated to the membership asap and the management report will be signed off and returned to KPMG) Update: the motion passed via email.
  5. Annual General Meeting preparation and Q&A (Discussed)
  6. Correspondence received from VPL (Discussed)
  7. New Business (There was none)
  8. Next meeting – June 12, AGM
  9. Adjournment