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Evergreen International Conference 2013: website and registration launched

May 28, 2012

Hi everyone,

We are really excited to host the Evergreen conference next year in Vancouver, BC in April 10-13, 2013. This is the first time the conference has been held outside the US and the first time the conference has been hosted by more than one consortium (King Country Library System and BC Libraries Cooperative). The theme is open library ecosystem. You’ll find the basic information on our website:http://eg2013.evergreen-ils.org/ more information will be going up as we get closer to the conference.

Early bird registration opens today–the $200 rate is valid until September 15, 2012. The conference rate at the Delta Vancouver Suites is $159/night (single or double occupancy) and is valid 3 days before and 3 days after the conference. You can find the registration links on the website, or go directly to http://eg2013.eventbrite.com.

If you are an American citizen you will need a passport to travel to Canada–but you have plenty of time to sort that out.

We really hope to see you in Vancouver.

Tara Robertson
Conference Chair

Follow us on Twitter: http://twitter.com/egcon2013