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Kevin Stranack

The Nominations Committee received one nominee for one vacancy for a two-year, renewable term on our Board of Directors by the May 18, 2022 deadline. As a result, Kevin Stranack will be elected, by acclamation, at AGM 2022.

Photo of Kevin StranackI have over thirty years of experience working in public and academic libraries, including more than 15 years with the Public Knowledge Project at Simon Fraser University, where I lead a team of researchers, software developers, community managers, and support experts in developing and supporting free, open source software for open access scholarly publishing, used by over 24,000 journals around the world, in more than 40 languages.

If I am selected to serve on the BC Libraries Cooperative Board, I would bring my experience in building a research and open source software development unit, including its community governance, self-supporting financial model, and user-centred development philosophy, as well as my passion for cooperativism and the DIY ethos that plays a critical role in creating sustainable, effective, empowering alternatives to the narrow oligopolies of corporate technical service providers.