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Cooperative Converges Members over BCNET

January 29, 2013

Connecting Libraries at Lightning Speeds Across Sectors in B.C.

BCNET, an advanced network and shared IT services organization, and BC Libraries Cooperative, a community enterprise, strategically focused on the delivery of shared operational infrastructure and resources for its diverse members, today announced that the Cooperative will link its data centre and select member libraries to BCNET’s ultra-fast, 10-Gigabit, fibre optic Advanced Network. The Cooperative aims to join libraries across its membership and bolster access to shared digital resources and services.

The BC Libraries Cooperative’s data centre, along with the Greater Victoria and Prince George Public Libraries, will be the first locations to connect to BCNET’s Advanced Network under this agreement. In phase two, more Cooperative members are expected to join BCNET.

Linking to BCNET’s Network will interconnect library networks in B.C. and provide them with 10-Gigabit, ultra-fast network connections to the Library Cooperative’s shared data centre.

“We host shared services and resources that our members access everyday,” claims Ben Hyman, Managing Director of BC Libraries Cooperative. “High-speed connections to BCNET’s Network will enable the delivery of more content and resources faster, cheaper and more efficiently to member libraries that are connected.”

“We are pleased to partner with the BC Libraries Cooperative as it enables our higher education and research to converge with public, private and government libraries across the province,” says Michael Hrybyk, President and CEO of BCNET. “In an ever increasing digital age, advanced networks offer a distinct advantage. The BCNET Network provides a cost-effective, shared infrastructure for libraries across sectors to access, distribute and share resources.”

In addition to providing shared service technology solutions, the BC Libraries Cooperative provides a forum of operations for collective procurement, licensing, development and management of open and vendor-sourced solutions. Today, there are over 100 institutional members of the BC Libraries Cooperative in four provinces and two territories.

“Partnering with BCNET has great synergy, as we share a common cause,” says Hyman. “Many libraries in B.C. are members of both BCNET and the Cooperative. Together, we can link these organizations to enable a powerful collaboration platform. Our aim, like BCNET’s, is to improve efficiency, reduce costs and extend service delivery to our members.”


BCNET is a not-for-profit, shared information technology services consortium led by its members, British Columbia’s post secondary and research institutions.

Owned, governed and funded primarily by its members, BCNET facilitates a unique, collaborative inter-institutional environment – one based on common goals – to explore and evaluate shared IT solutions for mutual technology challenges.

BCNET’s shared services approach is designed to help member institutions to support research, cut costs, minimize technology duplication, improve operational efficiency and better serve their students, faculty, staff and communities.

BCNET’s high-speed, high-capacity, fiber optic advanced network provides a common and powerful platform to deliver services cost-effectively and reliably, and provide advanced technology to support research.

About BC Libraries Cooperative

The Cooperative is a not-for-profit, member-based organization providing community capacity, shared services and technological infrastructure to a diverse membership of libraries in four provinces and two territories.

Governed by its members, and funded by the membership in partnership with the Province of BC, the Cooperative provides critical technological infrastructure, shared services, brokered electronic content licensing and a host of emerging opportunities for its members.

For public benefit, the Cooperative works to improve efficiency, reduce costs and extend service delivery in libraries.

For more information, please contact:

BCNET Contact
Tamara Klein, Communications Manager
(604) 505-8455

BC Libraries Cooperative Contact
Ben Hyman, Managing Director
1 (855) 383-5761