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Code4Lib BC Invitation for 2017

December 5, 2016

The fourth annual Code4Lib BC unconference took place on December 1st and 2nd, with two days of talks and breakout sessions on tools and projects related to libraries and technology.

With topics ranging from digital preservation to SQL, Code4Lib BC is a great opportunity for public library staff to discover new ideas and tools: learn about an open-source analytics tools for your website, discuss privacy technology relevant for our patrons, or share great tips for evaluating your department’s workflow.

Next year’s event will be held on Vancouver Island, and will bring new voices and ideas to Code4Lib BC. Anyone interested in the intersections of libraries and technology is encouraged to attend. For more about what was on our agenda, and so what to expect in 2017, please visit the Code4Lib BC website.

-Submitted by Tamarack Hockin