Update from the Co-op’s 2017 AGM
Good news from our AGM today.
Altogether, 74 delegates cast their votes for the 7th BC Libraries Co-op AGM, and members elected Beth Davies of the Burnaby Public Library as a new Co-op director.
The new Chair of the BC Libraries Cooperative is Baharak Yousefi of Simon Fraser University Library, and the new Vice-Chair and Chair-Elect is Dana McFarland of Vancouver Island University. Thank you to Hilary Bloom of Squamish Public Library for standing as our new Treasurer, and to Dr. Stan Gardner for continuing to act as Secretary.
Thank you to Jeff Narver for standing for this election, and to the Fraser Valley Regional Library for nominating him.
Thank you also to outgoing board member June Stockdale of the Nelson Public Library, and to Tracey Therrien for chairing our board so ably over the last year.
Learn more about our directors.
As for our Business Function Groups, David Christensen continues as Chair of the Sitka Business Function Group (SBFG) and Jay Peters continues as Chair of the Licensing Business Function Group (LBFG).
Special thanks to all the members who attended the AGM and who participate in elections and discussions. We look forward to continuing to see what we can accomplish together!