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Mis-scanned or Not Catalogued Message: What does it mean?

November 30, 2016

Staff sometimes receive the following message when scanning materials: “XXXXXXX was either mis-scanned or is not catalogued.”

Some common causes are:
1. Barcode has actually been mis-scanned.
2. Item is not catalogued and so barcode does not exist in the system.
3. There was a space entered in the field where the barcode was scanned.
4. There was a space in the field when the barcode was created.
5. There was a mis-scan when the item was created that resulted in only a partial barcode being entered.
6. The wrong barcode was scanned when the item was created and so the barcode in the system does not match the barcode physically on the item.

Causes 4-6 can be resolved by determining the correct barcode for the item and using the Replace Barcode function to replace the incorrect barcode with the correct one.

The Replace Barcode function can be found on the drop down menus on both the Item Status and Holdings Maintenance screens.

See http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_replacing_a_barcode.html for more information, including a video.