Announcing ImagineBC!
Today, the Co-op and its partners are announcing the launch of ImagineBC!
Inspired by the tremendous contributions of previous Co-op Board Directors and current members, this initiative is made possible thanks to our partnership with the Irving K Barber Learning Centre, University of British Columbia Libraries and Simon Fraser University Libraries. Together, we intend to incubate and enable grassroots innovation opportunities.
This initiative is a chance for any citizen, group, or organization in British Columbia to describe an innovative idea that improves their community and receive incubation funding to make it happen. We are looking for ideas that address a community need or interest such as: volunteerism, small business development, digital literacy, community engagement, language & cultural needs, or local history.
Describe your innovative idea to the inaugural adjudication panel in video no later than 19 December, 2014. Watch this video for inspiration and visit to learn more about this initiative and how to submit your idea. We look forward to hearing your ideas!