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Joining the Co-op

All libraries strive to meet the needs of a fast-changing society. Cooperation makes that easier, and sharing makes us more responsive to local needs, common opportunities, and challenges. Together, we can do more.

Who are we? Check out our maps of Co-op members and our service uptake.

Joining the Co-op


Canadian libraries of all types, as well as archives, museums and related organizations are invited to join the BC Libraries Cooperative. Individuals are not eligible for membership.


A one‐time $50.00 membership fee entitles member organizations to appoint an individual to represent the organization in Co-op governance. Participation is voluntary and member organizations retain their autonomy.

Opt-In Services

All services are opt-in, which means that members pay fees only for the goods and services they consume.

Member Participation

Every institutional Co-op member appoints a delegate to participate in elections and at annual general meetings. Any member-delegate in good standing may stand for election to the board.

In addition to board participation, there are opportunities for members to share their skills and talents with the Co-op and its various communities of practice. For example, all subscribers to the Sitka’s Evergreen™ community are automatically part of the Sitka Business Function Group, which helps direct that service.

Online forums and other means for discussion help members stay connected and share information.

Members’ Rights and Obligations

Rights and obligations are detailed in our foundational documents:

  1. Memorandum of Association: This is our founding document from 2009 by which we agreed to become a cooperative.
  1. Rules: These are the governing rules of our Co-op, effectively our bylaws, as required by the Cooperative Association Act of British Columbia. This document lays out the responsibilities of board and members.
  1. Service Management Agreement (SMA): The SMA outlines the basics of our operations, and is the document that new members sign when they join the Co-op. Akin to a policy manual, the SMA lays out what we do, who does what, and how we apply the Co-op’s rules to our services and to member participation.

To learn more about joining the Co-op, please write to us: office@bc.libraries.coop.