Sitka Circulation Working Group Terms of Reference
The Circulation Working Group’s (CircWG) purpose is to make specific policy, procedure and best practices recommendations to the Sitka Business Function Group (BFG) to ensure that the implementation of Evergreen in B.C. is:
- effective;
- anticipates the needs of all potential member libraries; and
- holds in the highest regard the library patron experience across B.C.
Roles & Responsibilities
The CircWG members are responsible for:
- representing the interests and concerns of their regions/sectors/federations;
- bringing forward issues and concerns and suggesting strategies;
- carrying out research and/or other work in support of the project and bringing back recommendations;
- receiving information from and providing input to the Sitka BFG;
- researching what is technically possible with the ILS
- recommending feature requests when they pertain to the implementation of specific policies and procedures
Working group members are volunteers from both Sitka’s BFG and non-Sitka libraries. They have an understanding of library circulation policies and procedures. Working group membership is intended to reflect the diversity and variety of library types, sizes and regions in B.C. Observers are welcome to attend meetings. There shall be a minimum of five members on the WG who, whenever possible, will be from libraries that have endorsed Sitka. The term of WG members is one year and is renewable. The term of the Chair is also one year and is renewable.