BC Libraries Conference Session April 2011 – “Sitka for Trustees”
Session Summary: Convenors: Ivan Idzan & Michelle Wong, BCLTA.
Public library trustees were invited to attend this panel session covering an overview of the Sitka Project and its provincial vision and marketplace context. Questions addressed included: What is an Integrated Library System (ILS)? How does the Sitka project fit into the provincial strategic plan for Public Libraries, Libraries Without Walls? What is the role of the BC Libraries Cooperative and who are the people behind that organization? How does the Sitka project differ from a commercial solution and what are its consortial advantages? Who are the other players in the ILS marketplace? What’s the current status and future prospects for Sitka?
Sponsoring Group: BCLTA
Brian Owen, Associate University Librarian (Systems) Simon Fraser University
Jacqueline van Dyk, Director, Public Library Services Branch
Ben Hyman, Managing Director, British Columbia Libraries Cooperative