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Evergreen 3.14 Upgrade

Co-op Support is pleased to announce that Sitka’s Evergreen will be upgrading to Evergreen version 3.14 April 5th to April 7th 2025.

The Evergreen server will be unavailable from 9:00 PM PDT Saturday April 5 to 5:00 AM PDT Monday April 7, 2025.

Patrons will still be able to access electronic resources while Evergreen is being upgraded. The web staff client and public catalogue will be unavailable, but authentication of 3rd party services will continue, and your patrons’ access to digital resources will not be affected by the upgrade.

Staff will be unable to login during the posted upgrade hours.

As in past upgrades, Co-op Support will release timely bulletins about new features and changes, and what library staff and patrons need to know. Bookmark this page to share with staff. This page will be updated as the upgrade approaches.

Please post general questions to the Sitka Group and submit library specific questions to Co-op Support.

Sitka Training

Refreshing Acquisitions: New Appearance, New Functionality

Tuesday, February 25
at 1:00pm PT, 2:00pm CT, 3:00pm MT, 4:00pm ET
Big changes are coming to acquisitions in Evergreen 3.14! Join us and be the first to learn about new settings and see the newly updated interfaces for invoices, claiming, and MARC Federated Search.

What’s New in Evergreen 3.14

Tuesday, March 4
at 1:00pm PT, 2:00pm CT, 3:00pm MT, 4:00pm ET
Thursday, March 6
at 11:00am PT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm MT, 2:00pm ET

Join us as we highlight the exciting new features and functionality coming with our upgrade to Evergreen 3.14. We’ll explore the all-new dark mode, look at the new grid and function bar actions found throughout Evergreen, go through new functionality in the staff catalogue and MARC Editor, and talk about accessibility improvements to the public catalogue. We’ll also look at updated interfaces, new bug fixes, and more.

A New Look for the Reporter: No phone booth required

Tuesday, April 29
at 1:00pm PT, 2:00pm CT, 3:00pm MT, 4:00pm ET
Thursday, May 1
at 11:00am PT, 12:00pm CT, 1:00pm MT, 2:00pm ET

Evergreen 3.14 brings super changes to the reporter; transforming its look and giving it new powers to safeguard your data. Join us as we explore how to clone templates and run reports in the new interface. We’ll also be discussing updates to the Sitka templates.

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