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Sitka’s Evergreen FAQs

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Acquisitions (2)

Select Acquisitions > Open Invoices and then decide how you want to search. The default search is set to search open invoices, but you can edit search settings in this screen.

See some search tips at http://docs.libraries.coop/acquisitions/_search_for_invoices.html

Sometimes it may look like the screen stalls because of network slowness. Do not load the order again. Instead, open another tab in Evergreen and do a search for a pending purchase order to see if the order has loaded.
Acquisitions -> Purchase Orders -> change state to “pending” in default search -> click search.

For more information see http://docs.libraries.coop/acquisitions/_search_for_purchase_orders.html#pending-order

Cataloguing (9)

Electronic resources such as websites, online journals, and downloadable audiobooks can be catalogued in Sitka’s Evergreen by including a correctly coded 856 field with a subfield $9 in the MARC record.

See here for detailed information on creating new records for electronic resources in Sitka’s Evergreen.

The MARC 590 Tag can be used to create shareable lists

1. When adding new items to the catalogue add a 590 tag to the MARC record.

MARC Tag = 590

$a = ListName


It’s important to use unique terms for $a to avoid extracting unwanted records. Avoid all meaningful words. Example use “J17AF” for June Adult Fiction

2. In the OPAC complete an Expert Search to find the list URL

Tag = 590

Subfield = a

Value = ListName

Search Library = Your Library

3. Copy the URL to post on your website

Example = MPL British Columbia

Libraries can submit a ticket to Co-op Support to request a particular Z39.50 source be added to the list available when importing a record via Z39.50 in Sitka’s Evergreen.

In your ticket please include:

  • the library name
  • why you need this source (what records does it supply that our current sources don’t?)
  • a link to the library’s publicly available Z39.50 configuration (for example see the Configuration Guide for OCLC Z39.50 Cataloguing)
  • the information for configuring Z39.50 from the library if it is not publicly available

Co-op Support will assess the source and add sources that improve access while being mindful of maintaining the usability of the Z39.50 interface for all Sitka libraries.

Staff sometimes receive the following message when scanning materials: “XXXXXXX was either mis-scanned or is not catalogued.”

Some common causes are:
1. Barcode has actually been mis-scanned.
2. Item is not catalogued and so barcode does not exist in the system.
3. There was a space entered in the field where the barcode was scanned.
4. There was a space in the field when the barcode was created.
5. There was a mis-scan when the item was created that resulted in only a partial barcode being entered.
6. The wrong barcode was scanned when the item was created and so the barcode in the system does not match the barcode physically on the item.

Causes 4-6 can be resolved by determining the correct barcode for the item and using the Replace Barcode function to replace the incorrect barcode with the correct one.

The Replace Barcode function can be found on the drop down menus on both the Item Status and Holdings Maintenance screens.

See http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_replacing_a_barcode.html for more information, including a video.

The simplest way to replace an item’s barcode is to use the Replace Barcode function on the Circulation drop down menu. You will be prompted to enter the old barcode and then the new barcode.

Replace Barcode function is also available on the Holdings Maintenance screen.

The Edit function (the link beside item’s barcode) on Record Details screen on the catalogue allows you to update barcode, too.

You may also replace a barcode on the Item Status (F5) screen.

For more information including a video see http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_replacing_a_barcode.html

Evergreen uses local call number records, or the value in the subfield 9 of the 856 field for electronic records, to determine which libraries a record should display to. If a MARC record has no local call number records attached to it, and does not contain any 856 fields with subfield 9s, then Evergreen has no way to know which library it should display to. In these circumstances Evergreen will display the record in the relevant search results for all libraries in the staff client. Public catalogue searches never retrieve these records so your patrons will never see these records.

We affectionately call these “orphan records”. If you come across one you can ignore it and assume a cataloguer at another library has not yet completed the cataloguing cycle and soon local call number and item records will be added to it which will result in it properly scoping. Records with no call number records and no scoped 856 fields are automatically deleted after 3 months.

Information on adding physical holdings to MARC records can be found here.

Information on adding non-physical holdings to MARC records can be found here.

Format icons in the public and staff catalogues rely on correct coding in the Leader, 007, and 008 fields in the MARC records. Search filters also rely on this coding.

Cataloguers should refer to MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/Normes MARC 21 as needed to determine the correct coding.

The Leader and 008 Field Grid in the Enhanced MARC Editor can be used to correct the coding in the Leader and 008 fields.

The Physical Characteristics Wizard in the Enhanced MARC Editor can be used to correct the coding in the 007 fields.

See the format filter and icon specifications for Sitka’s Evergreen for more information on which how Evergreen determines which format icon to display.

While we strive to have one bibliographic record per title in the Sitka catalogue duplication does happen.

You may see multiple bibliographic records for a title when there are multiple editions and/or formats of the title. For example, a book that has been published as a hardcover, a trade paperback, and a mass market paperback will legitimately have three separate records as the information in each record, particularly the physical description, will be different.

For more information on this see our section Is It a Match? in Sitka’s Evergreen Policy & Best Practices Manual.

You may also find titles where there are multiple bibliographic records that are for the same edition and/or format. This can happen when a cataloguer forgets to check for existing records when cataloguing new titles. If you have the cataloguing skills to determine that these records are truly a match you can merge the records together using record buckets.

For more information see the section on merging bibliographic records.

If records don’t have cover art there are two things you can do.

First, check and make sure the record has the relevant ISBN (020 tag), ISSN (022 tag) or UPC (024 tag) in the MARC record. If the UPC (in the case of a DVD) is missing add it, save the record, and check to see if the cover art displays.

If the relevant identifier tags (ISBN, ISSN, or UPC) are in the MARC record and the cover art is still not displaying you can email Content Cafe (they supply the cover art). Contact BC Libraries Cooperative Support for the email address, and in your email to Content Cafe please include the ISBN, ISSN, or UPC and the title.

It usually takes two or three days for the missing cover art to be added.

Circulation (12)

Yes, if a patron would like to opt out of receiving welcome, courtesy, overdue, and account expiry emails they can do so through  Preferences -> Notifications in My Account in the public catalogue.

Information on how to opt out can be found here. This documentation is available to your patrons via the Help link in footer of your public catalogue.

Library staff can also un-check the box “Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails” in the Edit screen of patron’s account in the staff client.

Check-in Modifiers are used to force certain actions when an item is checked in; they act to modify the basic check-in transaction to achieve a variety of potentially required outcomes. You may select or de-select Check-in Modifiers at bottom right of Check-in screens.

The options are:

Ignore Pre-cat Items: no prompt when checking in a pre-cat item. Item will be routed to Cataloguing with Cataloguing status.

Suppress Holds and Transit: item will not be used to fill holds or sent in transit. Item has Reshelving status.

Amnesty Mode/Forgive Fines: overdue fines will be voided if already created or not be inserted if not yet created (e.g. hourly loans).

Auto-Print Hold and Transit Slips: slips will be automatically printed without prompt for confirmation.

Clear Holds Shelf: checking in hold-shelf-expired items will clear the items from the hold shelf (holds to be cancelled).

Retarget Local Holds: when checking in in-process items that are owned by the library, attempt to find a local hold to re-target. This is intended to help with proper targeting of newly-catalogued items.

Retarget All Statuses: similar to Retarget Local Holds, this modifier will attempt to find a local hold to re-target, regardless of the status of the item being checked in. This modifier must be used in conjunction with the Retarget Local Holds modifier.

Capture Local Holds as Transits: with this checkin modifier, any local holds will be given an in transit status instead of on holds shelf status. The intent is to stop the system from sending holds notifications before the item is ready to be placed on the holds shelf and item will have a status of in-transit until checked in again. If you wish to simply delay notification and allow time for staff to process item to holds shelf, you may wish to use the Hold Shelf Status Delay setting in Library Settings Editor instead.

Manual Floating Active. This check in modifier works in conjunction with floating groups, as configured for your library by Co-op Support.

Update Inventory. Adds date, time, and work station to item records as they are checked in.

These options may be selected simultaneously. The selected option is displayed in the header area of the check-in screen.

A bad barcode error message is displayed when the Strict Barcode check box has been selected. This checkbox is found on the Check In screen, Item Status screen , and In House Circulation screen.

When this checkbox is selected, Evergreen  expects only 14 digit Codabar barcodes and alerts you every time a different format is scanned. Un-check the Strict Barcode box on affected screens on affected computers to resolve the error.

Emailed and texted messages are viewable on the staff client via patron or item records.

To view these messages, called triggered events, for a patron, find the patron record and select Other → Triggered Events/Notifications. By default, events with complete status for pre-due and overdue notices are displayed. You may need to wait a couple of minutes for the screen to load, depending on patron.

You can choose to view circulation or hold notices by using the drop down arrow in the filter on right of screen, or re-send notices, or cancel pending notices from this screen.

If the status of a particular event is complete, then Evergreen’s mail or SMS server has sent the notice, and no longer affects what happens to the message on the internet, or how it is delivered. If the patron’s email address or phone number is correct in their account and you have confirmed the notice has been sent , then BC Libraries Cooperative Support recommends you ask patrons to confirm local settings such as spam filters, which may be blocking BCLC’s email address, or their junk folders, and possibly request technical support from their ISP.

You can see more detailed information about patron notices at Patron Email and Text Notifications

There are three ways to clear a negative balance:

Which method is used will depend on the specific circumstance.  Please refer to the documentation for more information about the three options.

The patron deletion tool developed by the BC Libraries Cooperative Support team is found on the Welcome or “Splash” page of Evergreen, the default view when you log in. You must login to the tool with your Evergreen Local System Administrator account.

You can delete inactive cards and patron accounts, singularly or in small batches, from this screen. Note we have de-activated the Deletion option found within the patron record.

For more detailed information, see: http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/delete-patron-card.html

Staff sometimes receive the following message when scanning materials: “XXXXXXX was either mis-scanned or is not catalogued.”

Some common causes are:
1. Barcode has actually been mis-scanned.
2. Item is not catalogued and so barcode does not exist in the system.
3. There was a space entered in the field where the barcode was scanned.
4. There was a space in the field when the barcode was created.
5. There was a mis-scan when the item was created that resulted in only a partial barcode being entered.
6. The wrong barcode was scanned when the item was created and so the barcode in the system does not match the barcode physically on the item.

Causes 4-6 can be resolved by determining the correct barcode for the item and using the Replace Barcode function to replace the incorrect barcode with the correct one.

The Replace Barcode function can be found on the drop down menus on both the Item Status and Holdings Maintenance screens.

See http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_replacing_a_barcode.html for more information, including a video.

Patron accounts can be blocked for a number of reasons, including too many items being checked out, or too many overdue items.  As well, staff can create manual blocks on a patron’s account.

System generated blocks will be cleared when the cause of the block is resolved.  Staff with appropriate permissions can temporarily override blocks.

Staff generated blocks must be manually deleted or archived when the cause is resolved.

If the block no longer applies, it can be deleted or archived by doing the following:

  1. In the patron’s account go to the Notes tab.
  2. Select the relevant note.
  3. From the Actions menu choose Remove Note or Archive Note.

More information on patron notes, including alerts and blocks, can be found here.

Patrons with items checked out or on hold cannot be deleted until the items are checked back in and the holds are cancelled.

As well, if the patron’s home library does not match your home library (or one of your branches) you will be blocked from deleting the patron. You can edit the patron’s account and update their home library to match yours in order to delete the patron.

More information on deleting patron accounts can be found here.

The simplest way to replace an item’s barcode is to use the Replace Barcode function on the Circulation drop down menu. You will be prompted to enter the old barcode and then the new barcode.

Replace Barcode function is also available on the Holdings Maintenance screen.

The Edit function (the link beside item’s barcode) on Record Details screen on the catalogue allows you to update barcode, too.

You may also replace a barcode on the Item Status (F5) screen.

For more information including a video see http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_replacing_a_barcode.html

If the address fields in the patron’s account are greyed out, it means the patron’s address is owned by another patron. In this case, the address can only be edited in the patron account that owns the address.

  1. Click the link for Owned by PATRON NAME found in the address section.
  2. The patron account that owns the address will open and you can edit the address as needed.
  3. Save the patron account that owns the address. The address will be updated on all accounts that are linked to that account.

If the address is no longer shared, the linked address can be removed and a new address added.

  1. Uncheck the checkboxes for Mailing and Physical on the shared address.
  2. Click the New Address button.
  3. Check the checkboxes for Mailing and Physical on the new address.
  4. Enter the address and click Save.
  5. The linked address is replaced.

More information on unlinking patron accounts can be found here.

Whether or not address are linked between patrons or simply copied is determined by the value set for the library setting Patron Registration: Cloned patrons get address copy.

Ensure that all workstations have the Patron Name Search (F4) set to search Sitka by default. This setting is sticky and we recommend it be selected. Searching Sitka means you search all patrons registered with your home library AND any Sitka patron you have opted-in with their consent. If you do not set the patron name search Sitka wide, and default to home library or system, you will not find opted in patrons by name, you will have to scan their barcode (F1) to find them.

The name search is configured to search only home and opted in patrons,even when set Sitka wide, so there is no chance of retrieving other libraries’ patrons that have not opted in to your library.

Holds (3)

Bringing in extra copies of a title for a book club is one of the few circumstances where we recommend placing call number level holds on items owned by other Interlibrary Connect libraries. Never place item level holds for Interlibrary Connect holds as they will not be filled.

Information on placing call number level holds can be found here.

You may want to monitor call number level holds placed for a book club more closely than you would monitor normal title level holds. If an item is lost or becomes otherwise unavailable Evergreen will not target a different item to fill the hold; in this situation you need to cancel the hold and place a new call number level hold.

Sitka Training Video – Placing Holds (6:18)

Whether or not a patron receives a hold notification depends on what notification option the patron or staff member chose when the hold was placed.

When the Place Holds interface opens the default notification options are selected based on the Hold Notification settings in the patron’s account; however, patrons and library staff can make changes before placing the hold if a different notification method should be used for a particular hold.

Staff can see what notification option(s) have been selected for a particular hold by going to the Holds -> Open Hold Requests tab in the patron account and looking at the information in the “Notifications Phone Number”, “Notifications SMS Number” and Notify by Email?” columns. If the patron has chosen to be notified by phone or SMS there will be a phone number in the appropriate column. If the patron has chosen to to be notified by email the value for that column will be “Yes”.

Staff can edit the notification settings if a patron changes their mind about how they’d like to notified for a hold. Information on editing the notification settings can be found here.

It is not possible for library staff or Co-op Staff to view what notification method was chosen for a hold once the hold is filled and the item has been checked out to the patron.

More information on placing holds can be found here.

Information on checking if Evergreen sent an expected email or text message can be found here.

This is normal behaviour as the holds targeter only checks for older holds once every 24 hours at roughly the hold request time. It would target the checked-in item the next day, but you can force it to re-check immediately by using the check in modifier Re-target Local Holds when checking in an in-process item, or by re-targeting the hold on top of the holds queue in the catalogue by selecting Actions for this Record > View Holds , or by selecting the hold in the patron’s record and selecting Actions for this Hold > Find Another Target.

For more detailed information on managing holds see http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_managing_holds.html#_retargetting_holds

Library Staff Accounts (3)

Library staff accounts in Evergreen are treated the same as patron accounts.

  • All staff can edit their own username, password, and email address by logging into My Account in the public catalogue.
  • Staff with an email address in their account can use the Forgot Your Password link in the public catalogue.
  • You can retrieve and edit staff accounts In the staff client if you have the necessary permissions.

Local system administrators can edit all staff accounts except other local system administrators.   For edits to local system administrator accounts please contact Support and include the account barcode and the changes needed.

Sitka Training Video – Editing Library Staff Accounts (1:08)

More information about editing library staff accounts can be found here.

Working locations must be assigned to a staff account for that account to function properly. If a working location is not assigned to a particular staff login account, staff will not be able to log in to the staff client and will be prompted to have a Working Location assigned.

Local System Administration permissions are required to assign Working Location to staff accounts, so ensure you are logged into Evergreen with a local system administrator account when creating and editing staff accounts.

To assign a working location:

  1. Access the staff account.
  2. From the Other menu select User Permission Editor.
  3. Select the checkbox(es) in front of the library/branches that you want to assign to the account.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Sitka Snippet Video – Working Location (1:05)

This can also be done with the user’s barcode through Admin -> User Permission Editor

More information about creating and editing staff accounts can be found here.

If you’re unable to log into the Evergreen staff client with your library staff account check the following:

  • you are logging into the correct server (ie. the live server and not the training server).
  • your account has the correct working location.
  • you are using your username and not your barcode.
  • you are using the correct username and password.
  • caps lock is turned off.
  • your account is not expired (you will need another staff member to check this for you).

If you can’t remember your password you can reset it through the public catalogue Forgot Your Password link if your account has an email address.

If you’re still unable to log in contact Co-op Support for assistance.


Local System Administration (12)

No, you cannot bulk email your patrons through Evergreen.

All email notifications sent by Evergreen are either automated or triggered by an action performed by your user or a staff member.

See here for more information on the notifications available to your library in Sitka’s Evergreen.

Maximum items out, maximum overdue items, maximum fines, and maximum lost items allowed on patrons’ accounts can be set by you in Group Penalty Thresholds. You access Group Penalty Thresholds via Admin > Local System Admin > Group Penalty Thresholds. You must be logged into Evergreen as a Local System Administrator to manage these settings.

BC Libraries Cooperative Support has configured Sitka defaults but your local settings will override them.

Please refer to the Sitka Documentation for detailed information about how these settings work.


Yes, if a patron would like to opt out of receiving welcome, courtesy, overdue, and account expiry emails they can do so through  Preferences -> Notifications in My Account in the public catalogue.

Information on how to opt out can be found here. This documentation is available to your patrons via the Help link in footer of your public catalogue.

Library staff can also un-check the box “Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails” in the Edit screen of patron’s account in the staff client.

Electronic resources such as websites, online journals, and downloadable audiobooks can be catalogued in Sitka’s Evergreen by including a correctly coded 856 field with a subfield $9 in the MARC record.

See here for detailed information on creating new records for electronic resources in Sitka’s Evergreen.

Emailed and texted messages are viewable on the staff client via patron or item records.

To view these messages, called triggered events, for a patron, find the patron record and select Other → Triggered Events/Notifications. By default, events with complete status for pre-due and overdue notices are displayed. You may need to wait a couple of minutes for the screen to load, depending on patron.

You can choose to view circulation or hold notices by using the drop down arrow in the filter on right of screen, or re-send notices, or cancel pending notices from this screen.

If the status of a particular event is complete, then Evergreen’s mail or SMS server has sent the notice, and no longer affects what happens to the message on the internet, or how it is delivered. If the patron’s email address or phone number is correct in their account and you have confirmed the notice has been sent , then BC Libraries Cooperative Support recommends you ask patrons to confirm local settings such as spam filters, which may be blocking BCLC’s email address, or their junk folders, and possibly request technical support from their ISP.

You can see more detailed information about patron notices at Patron Email and Text Notifications

The patron deletion tool developed by the BC Libraries Cooperative Support team is found on the Welcome or “Splash” page of Evergreen, the default view when you log in. You must login to the tool with your Evergreen Local System Administrator account.

You can delete inactive cards and patron accounts, singularly or in small batches, from this screen. Note we have de-activated the Deletion option found within the patron record.

For more detailed information, see: http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/delete-patron-card.html

Library staff accounts in Evergreen are treated the same as patron accounts.

  • All staff can edit their own username, password, and email address by logging into My Account in the public catalogue.
  • Staff with an email address in their account can use the Forgot Your Password link in the public catalogue.
  • You can retrieve and edit staff accounts In the staff client if you have the necessary permissions.

Local system administrators can edit all staff accounts except other local system administrators.   For edits to local system administrator accounts please contact Support and include the account barcode and the changes needed.

Sitka Training Video – Editing Library Staff Accounts (1:08)

More information about editing library staff accounts can be found here.

To register a staff client:

  1. Navigate to Sitka Evergreen’s secure URL in Chrome, https://catalogue.libraries.coop/eg/staff/login
  2. Enter your username and password. This must be an account with local system administrator permissions.
  3. Enter a name for your workstation in the Workstation Name field. If name already exists, you can accept the prompt to force action or use a different name.
  4. From the organization drop down menu, choose the location (branch) you would like to register this workstation to and click Register.
  5. Click Use Now.
  6. Login with any staff login once the workstation is registered.

More information on registering a workstation can be found here.

Patron accounts can be blocked for a number of reasons, including too many items being checked out, or too many overdue items.  As well, staff can create manual blocks on a patron’s account.

System generated blocks will be cleared when the cause of the block is resolved.  Staff with appropriate permissions can temporarily override blocks.

Staff generated blocks must be manually deleted or archived when the cause is resolved.

If the block no longer applies, it can be deleted or archived by doing the following:

  1. In the patron’s account go to the Notes tab.
  2. Select the relevant note.
  3. From the Actions menu choose Remove Note or Archive Note.

More information on patron notes, including alerts and blocks, can be found here.

Sometimes it may look like the screen stalls because of network slowness. Do not load the order again. Instead, open another tab in Evergreen and do a search for a pending purchase order to see if the order has loaded.
Acquisitions -> Purchase Orders -> change state to “pending” in default search -> click search.

For more information see http://docs.libraries.coop/acquisitions/_search_for_purchase_orders.html#pending-order

Working locations must be assigned to a staff account for that account to function properly. If a working location is not assigned to a particular staff login account, staff will not be able to log in to the staff client and will be prompted to have a Working Location assigned.

Local System Administration permissions are required to assign Working Location to staff accounts, so ensure you are logged into Evergreen with a local system administrator account when creating and editing staff accounts.

To assign a working location:

  1. Access the staff account.
  2. From the Other menu select User Permission Editor.
  3. Select the checkbox(es) in front of the library/branches that you want to assign to the account.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Sitka Snippet Video – Working Location (1:05)

This can also be done with the user’s barcode through Admin -> User Permission Editor

More information about creating and editing staff accounts can be found here.

Ensure that all workstations have the Patron Name Search (F4) set to search Sitka by default. This setting is sticky and we recommend it be selected. Searching Sitka means you search all patrons registered with your home library AND any Sitka patron you have opted-in with their consent. If you do not set the patron name search Sitka wide, and default to home library or system, you will not find opted in patrons by name, you will have to scan their barcode (F1) to find them.

The name search is configured to search only home and opted in patrons,even when set Sitka wide, so there is no chance of retrieving other libraries’ patrons that have not opted in to your library.

Notifications Sent to Your Patrons (4)

No, you cannot bulk email your patrons through Evergreen.

All email notifications sent by Evergreen are either automated or triggered by an action performed by your user or a staff member.

See here for more information on the notifications available to your library in Sitka’s Evergreen.

Yes, if a patron would like to opt out of receiving welcome, courtesy, overdue, and account expiry emails they can do so through  Preferences -> Notifications in My Account in the public catalogue.

Information on how to opt out can be found here. This documentation is available to your patrons via the Help link in footer of your public catalogue.

Library staff can also un-check the box “Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails” in the Edit screen of patron’s account in the staff client.

Emailed and texted messages are viewable on the staff client via patron or item records.

To view these messages, called triggered events, for a patron, find the patron record and select Other → Triggered Events/Notifications. By default, events with complete status for pre-due and overdue notices are displayed. You may need to wait a couple of minutes for the screen to load, depending on patron.

You can choose to view circulation or hold notices by using the drop down arrow in the filter on right of screen, or re-send notices, or cancel pending notices from this screen.

If the status of a particular event is complete, then Evergreen’s mail or SMS server has sent the notice, and no longer affects what happens to the message on the internet, or how it is delivered. If the patron’s email address or phone number is correct in their account and you have confirmed the notice has been sent , then BC Libraries Cooperative Support recommends you ask patrons to confirm local settings such as spam filters, which may be blocking BCLC’s email address, or their junk folders, and possibly request technical support from their ISP.

You can see more detailed information about patron notices at Patron Email and Text Notifications

Whether or not a patron receives a hold notification depends on what notification option the patron or staff member chose when the hold was placed.

When the Place Holds interface opens the default notification options are selected based on the Hold Notification settings in the patron’s account; however, patrons and library staff can make changes before placing the hold if a different notification method should be used for a particular hold.

Staff can see what notification option(s) have been selected for a particular hold by going to the Holds -> Open Hold Requests tab in the patron account and looking at the information in the “Notifications Phone Number”, “Notifications SMS Number” and Notify by Email?” columns. If the patron has chosen to be notified by phone or SMS there will be a phone number in the appropriate column. If the patron has chosen to to be notified by email the value for that column will be “Yes”.

Staff can edit the notification settings if a patron changes their mind about how they’d like to notified for a hold. Information on editing the notification settings can be found here.

It is not possible for library staff or Co-op Staff to view what notification method was chosen for a hold once the hold is filled and the item has been checked out to the patron.

More information on placing holds can be found here.

Information on checking if Evergreen sent an expected email or text message can be found here.

Patrons (9)

Maximum items out, maximum overdue items, maximum fines, and maximum lost items allowed on patrons’ accounts can be set by you in Group Penalty Thresholds. You access Group Penalty Thresholds via Admin > Local System Admin > Group Penalty Thresholds. You must be logged into Evergreen as a Local System Administrator to manage these settings.

BC Libraries Cooperative Support has configured Sitka defaults but your local settings will override them.

Please refer to the Sitka Documentation for detailed information about how these settings work.


Yes, if a patron would like to opt out of receiving welcome, courtesy, overdue, and account expiry emails they can do so through  Preferences -> Notifications in My Account in the public catalogue.

Information on how to opt out can be found here. This documentation is available to your patrons via the Help link in footer of your public catalogue.

Library staff can also un-check the box “Receive Overdue and Courtesy Emails” in the Edit screen of patron’s account in the staff client.

Emailed and texted messages are viewable on the staff client via patron or item records.

To view these messages, called triggered events, for a patron, find the patron record and select Other → Triggered Events/Notifications. By default, events with complete status for pre-due and overdue notices are displayed. You may need to wait a couple of minutes for the screen to load, depending on patron.

You can choose to view circulation or hold notices by using the drop down arrow in the filter on right of screen, or re-send notices, or cancel pending notices from this screen.

If the status of a particular event is complete, then Evergreen’s mail or SMS server has sent the notice, and no longer affects what happens to the message on the internet, or how it is delivered. If the patron’s email address or phone number is correct in their account and you have confirmed the notice has been sent , then BC Libraries Cooperative Support recommends you ask patrons to confirm local settings such as spam filters, which may be blocking BCLC’s email address, or their junk folders, and possibly request technical support from their ISP.

You can see more detailed information about patron notices at Patron Email and Text Notifications

The patron deletion tool developed by the BC Libraries Cooperative Support team is found on the Welcome or “Splash” page of Evergreen, the default view when you log in. You must login to the tool with your Evergreen Local System Administrator account.

You can delete inactive cards and patron accounts, singularly or in small batches, from this screen. Note we have de-activated the Deletion option found within the patron record.

For more detailed information, see: http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/delete-patron-card.html

Library staff accounts in Evergreen are treated the same as patron accounts.

  • All staff can edit their own username, password, and email address by logging into My Account in the public catalogue.
  • Staff with an email address in their account can use the Forgot Your Password link in the public catalogue.
  • You can retrieve and edit staff accounts In the staff client if you have the necessary permissions.

Local system administrators can edit all staff accounts except other local system administrators.   For edits to local system administrator accounts please contact Support and include the account barcode and the changes needed.

Sitka Training Video – Editing Library Staff Accounts (1:08)

More information about editing library staff accounts can be found here.

Patron accounts can be blocked for a number of reasons, including too many items being checked out, or too many overdue items.  As well, staff can create manual blocks on a patron’s account.

System generated blocks will be cleared when the cause of the block is resolved.  Staff with appropriate permissions can temporarily override blocks.

Staff generated blocks must be manually deleted or archived when the cause is resolved.

If the block no longer applies, it can be deleted or archived by doing the following:

  1. In the patron’s account go to the Notes tab.
  2. Select the relevant note.
  3. From the Actions menu choose Remove Note or Archive Note.

More information on patron notes, including alerts and blocks, can be found here.

Patrons with items checked out or on hold cannot be deleted until the items are checked back in and the holds are cancelled.

As well, if the patron’s home library does not match your home library (or one of your branches) you will be blocked from deleting the patron. You can edit the patron’s account and update their home library to match yours in order to delete the patron.

More information on deleting patron accounts can be found here.

If the address fields in the patron’s account are greyed out, it means the patron’s address is owned by another patron. In this case, the address can only be edited in the patron account that owns the address.

  1. Click the link for Owned by PATRON NAME found in the address section.
  2. The patron account that owns the address will open and you can edit the address as needed.
  3. Save the patron account that owns the address. The address will be updated on all accounts that are linked to that account.

If the address is no longer shared, the linked address can be removed and a new address added.

  1. Uncheck the checkboxes for Mailing and Physical on the shared address.
  2. Click the New Address button.
  3. Check the checkboxes for Mailing and Physical on the new address.
  4. Enter the address and click Save.
  5. The linked address is replaced.

More information on unlinking patron accounts can be found here.

Whether or not address are linked between patrons or simply copied is determined by the value set for the library setting Patron Registration: Cloned patrons get address copy.

Ensure that all workstations have the Patron Name Search (F4) set to search Sitka by default. This setting is sticky and we recommend it be selected. Searching Sitka means you search all patrons registered with your home library AND any Sitka patron you have opted-in with their consent. If you do not set the patron name search Sitka wide, and default to home library or system, you will not find opted in patrons by name, you will have to scan their barcode (F1) to find them.

The name search is configured to search only home and opted in patrons,even when set Sitka wide, so there is no chance of retrieving other libraries’ patrons that have not opted in to your library.

Public Catalogue (2)

The Forgot Your Password? link in the Evergreen OPAC allows patrons to enter either their username or barcode and receive an email allowing them to reset their password. The link is found on the My Account login page. Staff may also use this link to update their Evergreen staff account passwords.

Emails for the Forgot your password link are sent every 2 minutes, and are sent to the email address associated with the Evergreen patron or staff account.

There are a few possible reasons why patrons or staff may not receive this email:
– Patrons may have entered their username or barcode incorrectly into the Request Password Reset form.
– Patrons may not have an email entered in their Evergreen account.
– Patrons may have an outdated or incorrect email entered in their Evergreen account.
– The email may be going to patrons’ spam or junk folders.

More information including a video can be found at http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/_resetting_your_password.html

Format icons in the public and staff catalogues rely on correct coding in the Leader, 007, and 008 fields in the MARC records. Search filters also rely on this coding.

Cataloguers should refer to MARC 21 Format for Bibliographic Data/Normes MARC 21 as needed to determine the correct coding.

The Leader and 008 Field Grid in the Enhanced MARC Editor can be used to correct the coding in the Leader and 008 fields.

The Physical Characteristics Wizard in the Enhanced MARC Editor can be used to correct the coding in the 007 fields.

See the format filter and icon specifications for Sitka’s Evergreen for more information on which how Evergreen determines which format icon to display.

Reports (1)

Yes, you can send a report to multiple email addresses. Simply enter all the addresses into the field for “Send completion notification to this email address” with a comma separating each address. You can do this both with single run reports and recurring reports.

Information on running reports can be found here.

Staff Client (5)

The patron deletion tool developed by the BC Libraries Cooperative Support team is found on the Welcome or “Splash” page of Evergreen, the default view when you log in. You must login to the tool with your Evergreen Local System Administrator account.

You can delete inactive cards and patron accounts, singularly or in small batches, from this screen. Note we have de-activated the Deletion option found within the patron record.

For more detailed information, see: http://docs.libraries.coop/sitka/delete-patron-card.html

Library staff accounts in Evergreen are treated the same as patron accounts.

  • All staff can edit their own username, password, and email address by logging into My Account in the public catalogue.
  • Staff with an email address in their account can use the Forgot Your Password link in the public catalogue.
  • You can retrieve and edit staff accounts In the staff client if you have the necessary permissions.

Local system administrators can edit all staff accounts except other local system administrators.   For edits to local system administrator accounts please contact Support and include the account barcode and the changes needed.

Sitka Training Video – Editing Library Staff Accounts (1:08)

More information about editing library staff accounts can be found here.

To register a staff client:

  1. Navigate to Sitka Evergreen’s secure URL in Chrome, https://catalogue.libraries.coop/eg/staff/login
  2. Enter your username and password. This must be an account with local system administrator permissions.
  3. Enter a name for your workstation in the Workstation Name field. If name already exists, you can accept the prompt to force action or use a different name.
  4. From the organization drop down menu, choose the location (branch) you would like to register this workstation to and click Register.
  5. Click Use Now.
  6. Login with any staff login once the workstation is registered.

More information on registering a workstation can be found here.

Working locations must be assigned to a staff account for that account to function properly. If a working location is not assigned to a particular staff login account, staff will not be able to log in to the staff client and will be prompted to have a Working Location assigned.

Local System Administration permissions are required to assign Working Location to staff accounts, so ensure you are logged into Evergreen with a local system administrator account when creating and editing staff accounts.

To assign a working location:

  1. Access the staff account.
  2. From the Other menu select User Permission Editor.
  3. Select the checkbox(es) in front of the library/branches that you want to assign to the account.
  4. Click Save at the bottom of the page.

Sitka Snippet Video – Working Location (1:05)

This can also be done with the user’s barcode through Admin -> User Permission Editor

More information about creating and editing staff accounts can be found here.

If you’re unable to log into the Evergreen staff client with your library staff account check the following:

  • you are logging into the correct server (ie. the live server and not the training server).
  • your account has the correct working location.
  • you are using your username and not your barcode.
  • you are using the correct username and password.
  • caps lock is turned off.
  • your account is not expired (you will need another staff member to check this for you).

If you can’t remember your password you can reset it through the public catalogue Forgot Your Password link if your account has an email address.

If you’re still unable to log in contact Co-op Support for assistance.